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"Hanya Cerita Biasa...."
Kalau kita boleh manjakan anak-anak dengan segala permainan
laburkan sedikit untuk akhirat
insyaallah lebih berkat
Our Babykhalifah Learning Series Package is on sale now!
~ fully interactive with lots of learning activity for ONLY RM90 ~
What in the box?
6 interactive cds, 6 workbooks, 1 set of flashcard, 1 bookmark, 1 car sticker and 1 set of colors pencil.
Below are the list of:
1- Nik Helmi (Shah Alam/Klang/P.Klang/Banting) - 012 353 4262
2- ALIMkids Bookshop (USJ) - 03 8024 8664
3- Dayang Lily (Subang) - 016 295 5026
4- Shahril (Bangi/Serdang/Kajang) - 012 275 0910
5- Suhaila Johari (Kuala Lumpur) – 016 551 2164
6- Nadiyah (Putrajaya/Cyberjaya) - 013 397 2578
7- En.Idham (Kuantan) - 012 938 2979
8- Hj.Yakob (Johor Bharu) - 016 782 2195
9- Azhari (Kuala Lumpur) – 016 321 8056
For other places, currently we have no distributor/agent, so if you want to be a distributor/agent,
please contact En.Zul 012 550 3199 / En.Shahril 012 275 0910 or email to: salleh.fadzil@islamkidsmedia.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
If you can’t find any distributor/agent near you, please contact En.Shahril 012 275 0910 / email to: salleh.fadzil@islamkidsmedia.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to place your order.
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